Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Matthew latest- Woodstork, 36x24, oil. "I saw this Woodstork one rainy morning in the Everglades. He looked so miserable that I could not resist painting him. I felt the subject was suited to a looser approach and had lots of fun slapping on wet oil with large brushes. I didn't want to overthink my technique, I just reacted to my subject."

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Julia's- Painting of Clymping Beach.

Julia's- We saw this scene including a lovely Scots Pine in the fields behind Manor Barn, Matthew's home in England. The hills beyond are the South Downs.

Matthew's painting- " I painted this view of Clymping Beach whilst standing on the old concrete blocks which were intended to stop the German invasion back in WWII. For 10 years this felt like my own private beach. I was caretaker of a large country house called Poole Place that stands just behind this wall."

Monday, July 11, 2005

Matthew's painting- "We spent a wonderful afternoon painting, listening to the birds and the occational train going to and coming from London. Field painting hightens your senses. Not just helping to understand tone & color, but even the wind blowing through the reeds & the distant sound of the Cricket match from Arundel Park all becomes a part of the painting- A Day to remember!!"

Arundel Castle, two different views from the river Arun at Burpham (Great pub in the village, George & Dragon!!) First my painting....

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Patrick helping Mommy paint....NOT!

Hi, we have been back from our trip to England for about a week but playing catch-up. This is Patrick behind his Grammy's house on the South Coast. We had a fantastic time and visited all our friends and family. We did some sight seeing and field painting as well.