Monday, October 23, 2006

Bush Fire

30x36, oil on canvas We drove through hours of bush fire on both sides of the road. I knew when It would make a dramatic painting.

Friday, October 20, 2006


We are back from a very successful safari in Botswana and Zambia. We went with Matthew's cousin Pip and his wife Jan. We also went with our favorite travel companion, Johnny Mullane (on the roof). Appropriate since that's where he slept every night. We did a few nights ourselves....different roof, of course! Nothing like Africa to show you the way life should be lived. We loved sitting around the camp fire at night, trading stories and dreading the bush shower that was a necessity with the layers of Kalahari sand on our faces and in our hair. The game viewing was fantastic, lots of favorites and lots of firsts. We have inspiration for months to come.

Kitty Kitty

Nxai Pan, Botswana

Back at camp

Stuck again. One of many road adventures. Lots of flats too!

Victoria Falls, Zambia

The Chase

Julia's-22x38, oil on linen- Lots of action is what this is about. It's fun to paint but hard to pull off. I did my best.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

White Peacock

Matthew's 24x48, oil on board. It's so nice to be painting again. We have moved into new studios and house, in a beautiful village on the water on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Life is good.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

On the Move

48x72, oil on canvas. This is a biggie. This is a Rhino we saw in central Namibia. He was a bit agitated I believe. I wanted the size of the image and the Rhino itself to give the impression of it's power and strength.

Friday, July 21, 2006

The Cobb

9x12, oil on board. The Cobb at Lyme Regis is one of our favorite spots to see when visiting Matthew's brother in the West Country. This was the customs house in the harbor on the Cobb. This place was featured in the book and film, "French Lieutenant's Woman"

Amberley Chalk Pits

5x7 oil on board. We are just back from another wonderful trip to England and Paris. It was all about family and friends but we did manage to squeeze in a couple of paintings. This painting was done in the South Downs.

Cedar Key

5x7 oil on board. This painting is from Cedar Key, Florida. It was a great day and an even better sunset.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Leopard Descent

16x24, oil on canvas This is a Leopard I saw in Namibia.I finished this painting in February and only now getting around to posting it. The beat goes on...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Royal Excursion

18x24, oil on board- Last summer we spent 3 weeks in England. On our last day we took a boat trip around Portsmouth Harbor to view all the various military and tall ships around the world. They had gathered to celebrate the bicentennial of the Battle of Trafalger. The ship in the forground is the Royal Navy Cadet training ship, The Royalist.

Dreaming of Africa

24x24, oil on board- I was one of those little boys who spent hours lying on my back staring up at the sky. I could see castles and dragons in the shape of the clouds. I saw these Marabous in Tanzania . For me they represent the spirit of Africa. Julia and I will be going on safari to Botswana this september. We can hardly wait!!!