Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Leopard Descent

16x24, oil on canvas This is a Leopard I saw in Namibia.I finished this painting in February and only now getting around to posting it. The beat goes on...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Royal Excursion

18x24, oil on board- Last summer we spent 3 weeks in England. On our last day we took a boat trip around Portsmouth Harbor to view all the various military and tall ships around the world. They had gathered to celebrate the bicentennial of the Battle of Trafalger. The ship in the forground is the Royal Navy Cadet training ship, The Royalist.

Dreaming of Africa

24x24, oil on board- I was one of those little boys who spent hours lying on my back staring up at the sky. I could see castles and dragons in the shape of the clouds. I saw these Marabous in Tanzania . For me they represent the spirit of Africa. Julia and I will be going on safari to Botswana this september. We can hardly wait!!!