Hot off the easel (or the studio floor). This blog is a n update on what is really going on in our studios. I will be posting everything, including studies for paintings, field studies, still life and finished studio paintings.
9x12, oil on linen. Here is a series of small paintings of Africa. I'm really enjoying working small for a change! This is a Cheetah family I have painted before. We had the pleasure of watching the Mom hunt and take down a small Wildebeast. It got away, this time.
24x30 oil on linen, Something different for me. It was fun painting the Schooner, Lady Maryland. On the horizon, sometimes you get this mirage effect in the summertime. The boat seems to be floating in air and you almost feel it could be a real mirage or ghost ship that disappears minutes later.
9x12, oil on linen. We literally stalk this beautiful Skipjack every summer and have seen it in every possible lighting situation. This is one of my favorite scenes.
8x10, oil on canvas. Last July I was honored to be selected to a group of Plein Air painters in "Paint Easton" competition. This was a real eye opener for me. I was humbled by the talent of painters from all over the country. Plein air painting is NOT for sissys.... 90 degree heat, 110% humidtity, and a thunderstorm. Some painters were out at sunrise and go till sunset....and even night painting! This painting is from a spot in Claiborn, MD where I spent many hours.
24x50, oil on Linen, I'm re-posting this to group the paintings together. This painting depicts an average waterhole in Africa. It's common to see several species at one time and here we have Zebra, Guinea Fowl and Red-billed Quelea, a weaver like bird that flock by the millions....even billions!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
New photos of our new neighbors. They haven't made a lot of progress but I think it is a slow process. Lots of eating and courting too.
Monday, March 31, 2008
It's going to be hard to work today! I will try take more later this afternoon to show the progress.
These photos are taken from inside the house and through glass. We don't want to disrupt them in any way....not today!
9am and things are progressing......
This morning, March 31st, we woke up and this is what we stick.
Over the year we have observed lots of activity from everything but Osprey. A Great Blue Heron, Sea Gulls, King Fisher, Turkey Vultures and a variety of small birds. Yesterday we woke up to this! They were there all morning and Matthew even saw them mate on the platform!
Early last spring we asked our local dock builders, the Baileys, to put in an Osprey stand in front of the house. We have several nest locations near the house so it was quite a gamble.
I had the honor of being asked to be the speaker this year at an event at Raymond James Financial head quarters in Florida. I really had to face some demons when I accepted the invitation to stand up in front of hundreds of people! I think I had a lot to say about Women and about Art so, .......good thing!
24x50, oil on linen. I love the mix and movement at a waterhole in Africa. Ten minutes later and it's all changed. It can be completely void of any wildlife at all. This painting is my centerpiece for a two man show at the Troika Gallery in Easton Maryland. The other man is my husband, Matthew Hillier!